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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Template of a Blog Post

Please judge the following blog template and our ZDT application in evaluating this growing decisioning dilemma:

*Q.T. What is the target audience's pain, predicament, or problem (discovery/due diligence)?

“Unbelievable, Confusing, Baseless, Repeatedly, Condescending, Immediacy, Untruthful, Cold Hearted, Threatening, Scare Tactics...”

Some or all of the above adjectives easily describe today’s car salesmen, news reporters, many TV ads/infomercials, politicians, and countless other “pitchers.” In all, it’s a constant barrage.

Knowing that you can’t stop the traffic, what is your filter? Where do you completely turn off? What is your limit? How do you decide?

*Q.T. What's different now? Answer in brief sentences or in a bulleted list that says what sets your product/service solution apart and will alleviate the pain, problem, or predicament.

As a starting point, adopt some or all of these (better yet…develop your own ‘hit list’):

Say No to:
-absolutes: (e.g.) guaranteed-never-ever-always-completely-forever-lifetime
-crooked math-assumptions-fictitious numbers-does not add up
-blatant bias (opposite of fair/balanced)
-bullying-talking over-total lies-intimidating tactics-twisting facts
-too good to be true-defiance of logic-no common sense-not reasonable
-those who are totally unqualified- no background-no experience-no knowledge- no authority-no prior success in their position

*Q.T. What should the audience do now? This gives your call to action, the part telling your audience exactly what you want them to do.

Make your computer (equipment neutral) a “Discovery Machine.” There is really no excuse, escape or reason of why we can’t qualify most anyone or anything at anytime.

*Q.T. Why hasn’t the problem been solved (the commitment level)?

It boils down to the time and focus you are willing to commit to. Considering the economic and other potential benefits…an excellent return on the effort.

Q. Has there ever been a more important time to become an “Expert of Discernment?”

P.S. This template can work in several applications…try it.

As always…you decide.

*Question Template

Discovery   Commitment   Solution   Action

Friday, April 22, 2011

Why We Don’t Buy Green Bananas

Decisioning at the Store and Beyond

At the grocery store, you can usually spot an elderly couple selectively picking through the banana section and bagging only those that are truly ripe and ready to eat.

Recent observation by one author:

“To help speed up their search, a store clerk asked if he could help a couple with their banana selection. The older gentlemen responded with: "Thanks, but we don't buy green bananas. When we were much younger we always thought that time was on our side, and we had the luxury of wasting it. Now that we're both in our later years, we view time as an entity that we must live in right now, savor every moment, be in the present to everyone and everything we encounter or choose…bananas are a good example of how perishable time is for us."

He further states:

“The hallmark of our society today is to be constantly busy and totally distracted. Busyness is often seen as an admirable trait, and it implies that you are very important. What would happen if we stopped using this tribute about ourselves? I'm not suggesting that you abandon long term plans and goals, but to stop for a few moments to fully live. Live and decide as if there is no time other than the present.”

Full article and credits:

In all, the “green banana” analogy can apply to several other areas of life and decisioning. Today, with the thought speed of emerging technologies, government interventions and other ominous influences…long term decisioning is like the banana. By the time it ripens; we may have either bought it too soon or waited too long. Ultimately, the result we wanted will not be there. Alternative: buy it today…eat it today.

So as a trigger, the next time you are in the store and you see the banana display (especially the green ones), please use it as a reminder that none of us know how much time we have. Let’s challenge each other to make every decision count every hour of every day.

As always…you decide.

Discovery    Commitment    Solutions    Action

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ten Common Mistakes in Decisioning

10. Not taking the required time: Often, decisions are made impulsively, under times of stress, and when the adrenaline is peaking…that is not the best time to make any decision, big or small (unless it is an emergency). Remember the MODELTM System. The largest block of time is devoted to the first step.

9. No authentic commitment. Once the decision is made, the best decision makers stick with it with their full energy and concentration. To make a decision, and then not follow through with it is the worst possible decision.

8. It is vital to deal in the truth. Often, decisions will get made to please others or to avoid something where the result is disappointment. Employing the SWOT analysis (a proven decisioning devise) can help in being ruthless with the truth.

7. In certain decisioning dilemmas, there are times to just “say no.” Some still think they need to be all things to all people. Realistically in decisioning, that is not actually possible.

6. It is easy to get stymied by procrastination. Often, decisioning hits a road block, and it gets postponed. By failing to make a decision, you have categorically made one. No decision becomes the decision. This decision falls in the infamous category of “I want to think about it” which can last forever?

5. Relying on exclusively subjective sources (e.g. Astrology, Chance, Farmers Almanac, Superstition, Cultural, Man-Made Beliefs, etc…) where the list can be endless and the product can be totally vague. Maybe fine for entertainment, but not for life issues.

4. Overconfidence in one's own judgment leads to failing to collect, ignoring, or simply refusing to accept factual and due diligence information that conflicts with your own opinions or assumptions. This results in a narrow path to decisioning.

3. Demanding dictatorship in decision making is equivalent to "I know all the answers." No matter what is said here, chances are, it will not be received in the right spirit.

2. Shooting from the hip ("winging it") is often the result of trying to keep too much information in your head (so the decision is forced out) instead of using a methodical, objective and systematic process of evaluation and decisioning.

1. Not owning or employing an objective and proven model, system or formula for decisioning. This one area alone can make or break the decisioning process. Please consider the MODELTM System as a reliable, simple and proven alternative to total subjectivity?

ZDT Author’s Note:

Add and/or subtract from this list with your own experiences…
Here are a couple of extras:

Value Other’s Expertise:
Build a team of others whose opinion you can seek for its capacity for honesty and expertise. Re: See ZDT blog post: “Your Virtual Dream Team”

Let Others Decide:
To create time for yourself, free others to make decisions at their own level. You do not want to be in control of everything. This is one of the biggest wasters of time for many managers and others. But, you want them to decide with the right process…Give them the book: Zillion Dollar Thinking TM.

As always…you decide.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Herd versus Herd Decisioning

Herd Mentality/Herd Thinking definitions:

Herd mentality describes how people are influenced to adopt certain behaviors, follow trends, and/or purchase items. Examples of the herd mentality include the early adopters of high technology products such as smart phones and i-gadgets, as well as stock market trends, fashions in apparel, cars, home décor, etc. Social psychologists tie this to the related topics of group intelligence, crowd mentality and decentralized decision making.

People in these herds are broken up into two groups, explains Friedrich Nietzsche, a philosopher who coined the phrase. One lent itself to the religious points of views- their beliefs and how those dictated their actions- while the other lent itself to influence by the media- more liberal and based upon what others perceive as 'right' (following trends, social norms, etc.).


The term herd mentality is derived from the word "herd", generally referring to a group (e.g. animals), and "mentality", implying a certain frame of mind. However the most succinct human definition would be: “how large numbers of people act in the same ways at the same times.”

Herd behavior is distinguished from herd mentality because it applies to all animals, whereas the term mentality implies a uniquely human phenomenon. Herd mentality implies a fear-based reaction to peer pressure which makes individuals act in order to avoid feeling left behind from the group. Herd mentality is also a part of "mob mentality."

Because of the vast and commanding influence of instant information, sentiment and segmentation, we have fallen into a “herd versus herd” society in America.

From a herd POV, we have Organized labor vs. Management vs. Government…Democrats vs. Republicans vs. Independents…Denomination vs. Denomination...Race vs. Race…on and on. In essence, we live in an increasingly polarized country in almost every area.

The common dominator among these masses is often herd mentality which is never the most thoughtful direction. In this case, calculated, purposeful and wise decisioning would be just the opposite.

Often today, it boils down to who can shout down, out craft and/or intimidate the opposing party. And, as the seasons or policy issues get closer to a show down (e.g. elections/decisions), the conflicts seem to get louder and more physical. Who is feeding this phenomenon, and where is this headed?

By now, it has to be abundantly clear that anyone or any group that is fueling this movement does not have or want your individual thought or critique expressed or attached to their own agenda. That is not what herds are supposed to do. They are amassed to get in line and follow in lock step to wherever the anointed one or the groups tell them to go…without question.

So, if the herd answer you are looking for is: “Just tell me what to do?” (always the easiest direction). If that is you, then I’ll be glad to tell you what to do:
Don’t fall for this continuing trap. Don’t automatically consent. Don’t give up or into a weakened state of vulnerability. These are exactly the conditions where herd mentality thrives, and why herd-masters do not want them spotlighted or even considered as a brand of (not) thinking. That would be counterintuitive to their ultimate purpose. And, you can see how technology and the connectivity of social and industrial sites are the perfect instruments to fuel this phenomenon even more dramatically.

Here’s the deal, we are in the throws of one of the most freedom threatening economic, political and spiritual environments known to man. If there were ever a time to not fall prey to “herds,” it is now.

You decide…please.

Biblical Herding Note:
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Zillion Dollar Thought

America once issued a 5-cent bill…Today we may need to consider a Zillion Dollar Bill?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ali’s Decision Sans Technology

“Had Ali Hafed remained at home and dug in his own cellar, or underneath his own wheat-fields, or in his own garden, instead of wretchedness, starvation, and death by suicide in a strange land, he would have had “acres of diamonds.” For every acre of that old farm, yes, every shovelful, afterward revealed gems which since have decorated the crowns of monarchs.”

And further…the book states:

“If only the first farmer had taken the time to study and prepare learn what diamonds looked like in their rough state...and, since he had already owned a piece of the African continent, to thoroughly explore the property he had before looking elsewhere, all of his wildest dreams would have come true.”

Today’s take away:

Technology and all the trappings tend to make us run around like the clown at the circus who is trying to keep multiple plates all spinning at the same time. We look for the answers on multiple search engines, Facebook, Twitter, and an infinite number of other sources. We run to spouses, family, friends and co-workers. And, as this book (Acres of Diamonds) has highlighted, we could eventually completely exhaust ourselves in the process of finding answers and solutions far from home. Considering the basic nature of mankind, and even if Ali had today’s technology, I’m betting that his same condition and conclusion would still apply…only faster.

The reason this book is a classic is because it has a simple, timeless and memorable message.

“The thing about this story that has so profoundly affected millions of people is the idea that each of us, at this very moment, may be standing in the middle of our own acres of diamonds. If we only had the wisdom, vision and patience to intelligently and effectively stop and explore our work and ourselves, we would most likely find the riches we seek right where we are, whether they be financial or intangible or both.”

Point is, before you go running off to what you think are greener pastures, make sure that your own is not just as green or perhaps even greener. It has been said that if the other guy's pasture appears to be greener than ours, it's quite possible that it's getting better personal attention. Besides, while you're looking at other pastures, other people are looking at yours.

The lessons from this message:

•When our attitude is right, we realize that we are all walking on acres of diamonds.

Opportunity is always under our feet. We don’t have to race all over the world. All we need to do is have the wisdom to recognize it.

•The grass on the other side always looks greener.

•When people don’t know how to recognize opportunity, they even complain of the noise when it knocks.

•The same opportunity never knocks twice. The next one may be better or worse, but it is never the same one, so be prepared at all times.

As always, classics never go out of style…you decide.

Opportunity    Commitment    Solution    Action

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Decisioning Gone Fiduciary

(Question: Should commission sellers get a fiduciary pass?)

fi•du•ci•ar•y [noun]

Various definitions:
A person or a legal entity who holds assets or information as an agent-in-trust for a principal or owner.
An individual, corporation or association holding assets for another party, often with legal authority and the duty to make decisions, regarding financial matters on behalf of the other party.
One, such as an agent of a principal or a company director, who stands in a special relation of trust, confidence, or responsibility in certain obligations to others.

To name only a few obligations of fiduciaries:

Fiduciaries have a duty (due care) and responsibility to act principally on behalf of their client's best interest.

Fiduciaries must always act in complete fairness and may not ever exert any influence or pressure, take selfish advantage, or deal with the client in such a way that it benefits them or prejudices the client.

Fiduciaries are prohibited from exerting business shrewdness, hard bargaining, or taking advantage of the forgetfulness, negligence or lack of expertise of a client.

Fiduciaries, as financial planners, must make fair and complete disclosure of all material facts and must employ reasonable care to avoid misleading their clients.

Fiduciaries must exhibit the highest form of trust, fidelity and confidence, and are expected to act in the best interest of their clients at all times.

“The distinction between a certified financial planner with a
fiduciary interest and a salesperson is crucial.”

A certified financial planner, generally under common law (and some statutes), is a fiduciary.

A certified financial planner must always provide services and advice in the best interests of the client. A fiduciary must serve the client, if necessary, at the cost of the fiduciary's own interests.

Conversely, salespeople may have their own motives and interests at heart as they offer goods and services for a price that generally includes a commission.

ZDT Author’s Notes:
The issue of fiduciary standards becoming a requirement for stockbrokers, agents and various others is still a subject of continuing debate.

Point is, with this criteria as a backdrop, and if you are a prospect, and as a part of your own due diligence…why would you not decide on an expert who is committed (in writing) to being held to the fiduciary standard?

The alternative could be that if the commission sellers, by their on volition, choose (decide) to abide by and commit to applicable fiduciary standards; they indeed could be someone you could put your trust in. And, like a voluntary army who believes in their mission…if the commissioned folks take this kind of responsible initiative, the buying public (over time) may come to trust and believe that this self-governess will ultimately be in their best interest. After all, who needs or wants more government intervention?

Again…you decide.

For full articles and credits:

Discovery Commitment Solution Action

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What is the Most Important Decision You Have Ever Made

(Please consider the attached ZDT PDF preview before you answer)

pp.1 “The next question is: HOW did you make it? When confronted with these two questions, many people can immediately answer the first one…but, the second one usually draws a blank.

The obvious next question is: What if you have not made that most important decision yet. How will you make it when it suddenly slams you? Just think…buying or selling an expensive or an important item like a house, a car, furniture or even making the big costly investment decision of a college education for a son or daughter…all require an important decision before the act or fact. Again, it is not the reality and necessity of making decisions, but how you make them?

The act of deciding (conscious or unconscious) is always before us. Yet, the process of making, and how to improve our ability to make decisions, considering their importance, is seriously lacking.

Where do we get help?

There is no shortage of decision making methods in the archives of most search engines. The list is endless. You can find them with a simple click. But, the common denominator of many of these findings is...”

Hopefully, this short preview sparked your interest with just a tiny bit of curiosity or familiarity. From sound research, folks will usually fall into just a few categories on this subject. Either they feel perfectly satisfied and comfortable with their current methodology (good or bad), or they will tend to ignore the process part of decisioning as a fruitless activity, or they know they need help (but just not sure who to trust to get it).

Yes, there are other positions on the subject, but let’s focus and get some action on the last one for right now.

Step One: Please let me mail you the full PDF e-booklet so you can get a deeper look at the potential problems and remedies. Just drop me a note titled: “ZDT e-booklet”

Step Two: Please go back through the ZDT Blog archives and read/re-read the posts that you feel are close to where you live and think.

Step Three: Please order the book Zillion Dollar Thinking. And, if you are one of those who have not yet adopted a decisioning MODEL…that is the basis of this book. Many have said it is life changing. Again, please e-mail me at to order your copy ($9.95+S/H).

Step Four: For a limited time, please tell us about any teenagers who live with you now, and we will send a free copy to pass around and hopefully share the message with others. They are the next generation of decision makers.

If none of that clicks, please drop us a note, and we will try to respond to any of the particular decisioning problems you may now be struggling with…based on our various experiences of applying the MODEL.

As always…you decide.

Discovery   Commitment   Solution   Action